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SVN post-commit hook not executing file

I have created an exe file that will print to console the first and second arguments that it receives.

In the SVN post-commit hook I wrote:

PATH_TO_FILE\print.exe "%1" "%2"

when I make a check-in, it gets stuck.

%1 is the PATH
%2 is revision number


The answer to my question is that the executable file should be in the "bin" directory of the SVN Server, not in the hooks folder of the repository.

Thank you all, Oded.

like image 774
Oded Avatar asked Nov 15 '22 14:11


1 Answers

Print takes a filename to put on the printer. You are supplying a directory i assume of your description. Try writing something to a file.

echo "%1" "%2" > c:\temp\log.txt
like image 161
Peter Lindqvist Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 09:12

Peter Lindqvist