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How to implement custom versions of the getline function in stdio.h (CLANG, OS X) (ANSWER: Change POSIX standard used to compile) [closed]

c clang posix getline stdio

Read a file into dynamic memory array using malloc and POSIX file operations [duplicate]

c file-io malloc posix

Posix AIO Bad/Broken? [closed]

c posix sockets aio

Posix Timer periodically skips ahead half of its period

c linux timer posix

Why can't the first pattern in a shell case statement be a multiple pattern?

shell posix standards

Can dup2 really return EINTR?

Is there an async-safe way to get the current thread ID in Linux?

linux gcc pthreads signals posix

Determining if data is available on TcpStream

networking posix rust

Why do we need to use folly::fbvector instead of std::vector with allocator which reserve large uncommited area initially?

Trailing new line after piping to a command: is there any standard?

bash unix posix gnu

Is a portable determination of appropriate mapping for off_t in Python for use in ctypes possible?

python posix ctypes

How to match everything except a tab (for git diff --word-diff-regex)

regex git posix

What is the difference between locking with `fcntl` and `flock`?

c locking posix