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New posts in posix

It really looks like OS X has a bug when using poll() on a named pipe (FIFO)... can an expert confirm?

macos posix named-pipes

how to avoid polling in pthreads

What Can I Use Besides usleep in a Modern POSIX Environment?

c posix c99

Linux Pthread argument

c linux pthreads posix

How to write 0x00 into file

c cocoa posix stringstream

How to properly close a socket opened with fdopen?

c++ c sockets posix glibc

mq_open() - too many open files

c linux posix message-queue

Does OS X support POSIX sessions?

macos process posix

readdir returning dirent with d_type == DT_UNKNOWN for directories . and

How to check if a process with a pid X is a zombie?

c process posix

Using one pthread_mutex_t and multiples pthread_cond_t with pthread_cond_wait()

mq_open: Invalid argument

c linux posix message-queue

What do the numbers after command and system call names mean in *nix?

Do I need to do anything with a SIGCHLD handler if I am just using wait() to wait for 1 child to finish at a time?

c posix wait

C Code is too heavily compiler dependent

Is linux' "mutex lock" implemented using "memory barrier"?

linux linux-kernel posix mutex

How to check if contains all keywords in any order of string? RegExp Javascript

javascript regex posix

Why is there a error "Cannot Allocate Memory" while creating message queue in POSIX?

c linux posix ipc message-queue

Why fork() twice while daemonizing? [duplicate]

c unix fork posix daemon

How store each string of getline() inside a (dynamic) array of strings?

c posix