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New posts in polyfills

How to build web components custom elements to work with both specs

how can I use babel polyfill to support all IE11 issues with gulp

How to detect features and lazy-load only the needed polyfills with babel / core-js?

Polyfill or workarounds for ECMAScript5 new features?

System js syntax error, IE11

Why is ES7/array polyfill needed despite the tsconfig target is set to ES5

Using webshims polyfill in an Angular app

How to detect if browser supports dialog

How to add URL Polyfill in Angular App

angular polyfills

Using babel-standalone in the browser

Polyfill HTML5 form attribute (for input fields)

html forms polyfills webshim

Add polyfill code in Angular 2

angular polyfills

Polyfill for ie

Why am I getting "ReferenceError: 'TextEncoder' is undefined" in IE11 after importing the text-encoding polyfill?

angular polyfills

Which HTML5 forms javascript polyfill to has the broadest feature and browser reach?

html forms polyfills webshim

How do you add polyfills to Globals in typescript (modules)

typescript polyfills shim

ChildNode.remove() polyfill with babel-polyfill

using <picture> tag with Internet Explorer 11

html css explorer polyfills

How to add a polyfill to support finally() in Edge?