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DD anomaly, and cleaning up database resources: is there a clean solution?

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How to run Checkstyle, Findbugs, or PMD programmatically on file *content*

Eclipse / SonarQube Integration: How to handle Checkstyle / PMD / FindBugs

PMD+Maven+JAVA Error:: Can't find resource rulesets/comments.xml. Make sure the resource is a valid file or URL or is on the CLASSPATH

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Ignore PMD rule for methods with a Test annotation

Should I split methods for reuse in JUnit?

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Intellij IDEA - How to disable automatic plugin update

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Maven and code metrics: check for existence of a test case for each class

Can't use custom ruleset in maven-pmd-plugin 5.0.2

PMD in eclipse does not accept exclude-pattern

eclipse pmd

Avoid Literals In If Condition

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PMD exclude-pattern with gradle

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PMD-Plugin in Eclipse/Juno not installable through marketplace

What is the full form of PMD?

java pmd abbreviation acronym

How to get InetAddress with wildcard ip

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Installing PMD 5.0.4 in Eclipse

Why does comparing enums using == cause a PMD warning?

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PMD with Maven - How to disable one rule within a ruleset?

maven pmd

How to lock maven plugin version

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How to find PMD Rulesets names in Gradle >2.0

java gradle pmd