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New posts in code-metrics

Calculate software metrics for PHP projects

php metrics code-metrics

Number of classes in project/workspace

Is there a standard way to count statements in C#

c# metrics code-metrics

Running code metrics in builds for TFS 2012

tfs code-metrics

Java code Analytic/Metrics tool

What does NCSS stand for?

Should code coverage be executed EVERY build? [closed]

Linux tool to show SLOC and SLOC modified, added, removed

metrics code-metrics

Is branch coverage as useful as line coverage?

How many code lines do my project have [duplicate]

eclipse code-metrics

How does Visual Studios calculate the Maintainability Index?

Getting the functionality of the outdated metrics powertool in VS2017?

Evaluation of Code Metrics

Maven and code metrics: check for existence of a test case for each class

Why is cyclomatic complexity of those methods so high?

Why does Class Coupling jump when I use LINQ?

c# linq code-metrics

Do software metrics work both ways


Visual Studio - Determining Lines No Of Lines of code in a project

How do I show how many lines of code my project contains in Visual Studio? [duplicate]