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Visual Studio - Determining Lines No Of Lines of code in a project

Visual Studio - Determining Lines No Of Lines of code in a project - is this possible in VS 2008?

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AJM Avatar asked Sep 10 '09 11:09


People also ask

How do you calculate lifetime lines of code?

Take one of your existing project, get the number of lines and divide it by the time it took you to code it.

How do you check cyclomatic complexity in Visual Studio code?

From Visual Studio's menu, select Analyze -> Calculate Code Metrics. Then, either select “For Solution”, if you want check all the projects in the solution, or select the project you want. The results will be displayed in the Output window. Visual Studio shows the cyclomatic complexity for each function and property.

1 Answers

I find SlickEdit gadgets SLOC report to be very good and FREE! :)

Breaks down comments/lines of code etc.



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Daniel Elliott Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Daniel Elliott