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As a designer who has become proficient in HTML and CSS, is it safe to start using jquery plugins instead of learning javascript? I'm not a programmer

Is there a Darcs Plugin for Hudson

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how can a Win32 App plugin load its DLL in its own directory

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Reduce chances of PHP plugins being malicious

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Recommended web development plugins for NetBeans

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Plugin Management for an Android application

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Get a list of files in a Solution/Project using DXCore console application

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Integration testing grails spring security plugin?

How to autocomplete c or c++ keywords in vim

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Eclipse plugin development - Bundle-ClassPath definition

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jQuery Tooltip that doesn't use the <title> attribute

Is there a way to store Mosquitto payload into an MySQL database for history purpose?

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Maven plugin for generating ISO file

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How to initialize sparkup plugin in Vim for MacOS?

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Matching text between braces in PHP

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Within Eclipse, how to run Tomcat Maven plugin that modifies the context path

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classes missing in Eclipse package, help

C# Pluggable Architecture, Consideration for a dissertation [closed]