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New posts in playframework-2.2

Replacing \n with <br> tags

Attaching Play's 2.2 source code to the application

How to (re)define run on root project to launch aggregated Play (sub)project in sbt 0.13

scala sbt playframework-2.2

Play Framework - How to maintain configuration files for different environments?

Error reading annotations play framework 2.2

java playframework-2.2

Uploading files through a play framework app to S3 without "touching" the disk

Why does subproject not compile after migrating from 2.2 to 2.3?

Cannot resolve symbols (foreach, list,...) using Slick-play

Environment-specific distributions using sbt native packager

Play Framework 2.2.1 - Case insensitive routing

How to check in Play Framework if a unit test performed a database insert/update/delete

How to query with '$in' over '_id' in reactive mongo and play

How can I use OrientDB from a Scala / Play 2.2 project?

Why does sbt report missing libraries for Scala 2.10.2 (since Aug, 1th)?

How to add commit hash to Play templates?

Play Framework: Redirect to controller method with arguments

Create a generic Json serialization function

hibernate @Entity on inner class only (top level class is not an @Entity)

Play 2.2 JSON Reads with combinators: how to deal with nested optional objects?