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New posts in playframework-2.2

Scala: Akka actor not dying in Play Framework 2.2.0

Play 2.2 -Scala - How to chain Futures in Controller Action

WebSocket pushing database updates

"invalid version format" p.nettyException with play 2.2.1

Overriding onRouteRequest with custom handler in Play! scala

NoSuchMethodError when running Checkstyle 5.5 in Play 2.2 project?

Scala image resize and crop [closed]

json writer for nested classes

Handle chunked data sent by Play scala with AngularJs

Play Framework handle Authorization not authentication

How do I use shared configurations across SBT (Play) multi-projects?

Play Framework 2: Best way of validating individual model fields separately

How to not watch a file for changes in Play Framework

Play Framework 2.2.1 - Compilation error: "method render in class index cannot be applied to given types;"

playframework setting custom message for @Required field globally

Ebean and many-to-many relationships - how?

Asset mapping outside public folder on Play framework

How do I unit test akka actors in Play Framework 2.2.0 Scala (spec2, Mockito)

Play2 add new field to JsObject

Get File using relative path play framework 2.2 java

java playframework-2.2