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New posts in permutation

Algorithm for finding multiset permutation given lexicographic index

How to generate all variations with repetitions of a string?

A more efficient way for my program to write every billionth combination?

All possible subdivisions of a list

How does this Haskell function to calculate permutations using list comprehension work?

Algorithm for "pick the number up game"

Specific element permutation within an array of characters in JAVA?

How to repeatedly generate non-repeating smaller groups from a larger set

r permutation

Get a permutation as a function of a unique given index in O(n)

Apparent error in Matlab's perms function

Permutations of binary number by swapping two bits (not lexicographically)

Number of combinations less than 100

python r iteration permutation

How many permutations of a given array result in BST's of height 2?

What's the best way to enumerate permutations of deck of cards?

How to generate a permutation?

algorithm permutation

python -> time a while loop has been running

Random permutation matrix

matlab permutation

For a given integer a, find all unique combinations of positive integers that sum up to a

perl6 Negating multiple words and permutations of their chars inside a regex

Permutation with Repetition: Avoiding Overflow