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Configuring Python to use additional locations for site-packages

python packages

Can't uninstall/reinstall NuGet package

What is the significance of the reverse domain name for java package structure

java packages

How do you organise a python project that contains multiple packages so that each file in a package can still be run individually?

Listing R Package Dependencies Without Installing Packages

Check for Ruby Gem availability

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`del` on a package has some kind of memory

Cordova + Ionic framework - How to safely change package name?

Must R Packages Unload Dynamic Libraries When They Unload?

c r dll packages

How to wildcard include JAR files when compiling?

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Python can't find my module

python path packages

Making an executable in Cython

Netbeans - is it possible to see project source folders in a tree (hierarchical) view, rather then a flat view?

How to load latex .sty files from a subdirectory?

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C++ Namespaces, comparison to Java packages

How to use a package constant in SQL SELECT statement?

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Install a local R package with dependencies from CRAN mirror

Python packages - import by class, not file

python packages

Programmatically install NLTK corpora / models, i.e. without the GUI downloader?

Python package name conventions