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restrict xsd:string to [A-Z] for rdfs:range

rdf owl rdfs

How to reason or make inferences in Neo4j?

OWL restrictions - defining classes that only contains properties with a specific property value

Why is OWL Full undecidable?

Representing if-then sentence using OWL?

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How to query RDF/OWL using SWI-Prolog's Semantic Web Library?

What is the owl:Nothing class designed to do?

How to import specific classes and object properties from an ontology in Protege?

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SPARQL Query tab in Protege doesn't show anything

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Using SPARQL for limited RDFS and OWL reasoning

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OWL Class and Subclass Property Inheritance

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Ontology: OWL - Creating connections between classes

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OWL 2 rolification

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SPARQL Querying Transitive

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How to query Classes with Object Property in Sparql

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can we use owl:SameAs between two predicates?

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Which Triplestore for rapid semantic web development?

OWL Property Restrictions vs. SHACL

What use cases for OWL?

owl:allValuesFrom and rdfs:range difference

semantics owl rdfs