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How to create an ontology from raw data (CSV)?

Using Property Chains to get inferred Knowledge in an OWL Ontology(Protege)

Multiple domain and range in objectProperty?

Is Ontology File created in Protege with RDF/XML Format a RDF file or the OWL file?

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Superclasses header not available in Protege 4.3

owl ontology protege

open source semantic web project

rdf semantic-web owl

A class subclass of itself. Why mutual subclassing is forbidden?

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How to access OWL documents using XPath in Java?

java xpath rdf owl

Protege-OWL: Class must have one of each <value>

How can I import .OWL file into Neo4J?

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Using Protege owl ontology on Android

android ontology owl protege

Reasoning OWL ontology using inverse property?

owl protege dlquery

What are the limits to expressability of RDF / OWL / etc

How can you remove the XML schema datattype from sparql query?

xsd rdf semantic-web sparql owl

How to model opening hours in RDF

rdf semantic-web ontology owl

How to infer isBrotherOf property between two individuals

rdf ontology owl protege

setTimeout does not work

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How to define the type of elements in an rdf:Seq?

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Displaying Relations in Protege-OWL Editor

xml semantic-web owl protege

Loading an Ontology in Python

python owl ontology