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How to use OWIN middleware to rewrite versioned url for request to static file?

c# owin owin-middleware

Use WebAPI 2 without OWIN authentication middleware

Sequence contains more than one element Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationManager

How to use Castle Windsor's PerWebRequest lifestyle with OWIN

MVC5 Authentication: Authorize attribute on every controller or base controller

OWIN OpenID provider - GetExternalLoginInfo() returns null

asp.net vnext camelCase JSON serialization [duplicate]

Why the 404 middleware behaves like this? [duplicate]

c# owin asp.net-core

Facebook login using external bearer token (MVC4 Web Api)

External Cookie for External Login in ASP.NET OWIN

Asp .Net Identity 2 - Logging out other sessions (using security stamp) after password update also logs out current session

What are the purposes of AuthenticationManager.SignIn vs AuthenticationManager.AuthenticateAsync?

Privilege Escalation & Session Hijacking in Identity MVC5