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Internals of OWIN and IIS Integration

I am interested in knowing how IIS invokes the OWIN pipeline during the application lifecycle.

  1. I tried to know this and found that the assembly Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb is responsible for this, but a diagram explaining this will be very helpful for myself and others that are willing to learn about OWIN.

  2. With respect to OWINHost, I was able to figure out how OwinHost sets up the host and then invokes the other OMC etc.

  3. Additionally, I am interested in finding out how the HttpModules that we built in can be used with OWINHost and IIS hosting.

Having filtered through the web, I stand left puzzling and quizzing about these stuff. Suitable pointers or documents will be of great help.

Links referred :

Owin Spec Owin Request pipeline explanation ASP.Net Architecture

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Saravanan Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 09:03


1 Answers

The Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWebuses the PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute to bootstrap itself. The code for it can be seen here. You can read more about the usage of the PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute here.

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Brian Surowiec Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Brian Surowiec