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Enabling and using Role Management in MVC5

I am new to MVC. I setup a basic MVC5 Web Application with authentication. I observed that when I run the program the first time, it has register and login. So i registered and login but found no means to setup role management, because I thought i will find menu there like MANAGE ROLES. How am i going to enable, create, and use the role management?

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Chalmer Berry Avatar asked Feb 08 '14 08:02

Chalmer Berry

1 Answers

Thanks God I found what I am looking for at this awesome website http://typecastexception.com/post/2013/11/11/Extending-Identity-Accounts-and-Implementing-Role-Based-Authentication-in-ASPNET-MVC-5.aspx Thanks to the author John Atten

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Chalmer Berry Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Chalmer Berry