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HttpContext.Current is null on TokenCache.BeforeAccess

How to remember the login in MVC5 when an external provider is used

asp.net-mvc-5 wif owin

GetExternalLoginInfoAsync null with OWIN in ExternalLoginCallback unless already logged into google

Access ExpireTimeSpan property of Owin Cookie Authentication to notify user of login expiry

Roles vs Claims Authorization Asp.net web api-2 with WIF and OWIN Middleware

How to pass other parameters to OWIN Login?

c# asp.net-web-api owin

Owin Startup Detection


OWIN rejects authentication cookie the next day

Variable cookie path with ASP.NET Identity

How to force account login for a single account user with Google's OAuth 2.0?

oauth-2.0 owin google-oauth

OWIN Stop Server\Service?

c# signalr owin

Building a Web-API with Oauth2/OpenID connect

How to restrict SignalR server connections?

Use Bearer Token Authentication for API and OpenId authentication for MVC on the same application project

How to configure SSL on a self hosted Web API in Azure Service Fabric

Store owin oauth bearer token

asp.net-web-api oauth owin

OWIN with LDAP Authentication

asp.net-mvc-5 ldap owin

GetExternalLoginInfoAsync() loginInfo return null - but only after a few hours

Facebook Login recommending to require HTTPS - How to Configure HTTP redirect URL for Facebook Login in ASP.NET MVC?

Could not install package 'Owin 1.0.0.' You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2'