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New posts in osx-yosemite

Cannot change Apple ID in App Store for downloading Yosemite

git: error: SDK "macosx" cannot be located

macos git osx-yosemite

How to get POSIX path of the current script's folder in JavaScript for Automation?

sendmail in Mac OS X Yosemite

Can't set position of modal window

cocoa osx-yosemite

NSOpenPanel in sandboxed app ignores provided directory URL

Something wrong with my ruby

How do I implement night mode in Mac (Cocoa) application?

macOS Keyboard Shortcuts in Swift

GitHub asks me to "add a new helper tool" every time I open it

octave on OSX Yosemite, print outputs doc, but graph is solid black

octave osx-yosemite

OSX Game Center: Couldn't communicate with a helper application

NSWindow with NSWindowTitleVisibilityNone saving incorrect frame to user defaults?

Trouble Installing Nokogiri on Mac OS X Yosemite v.10.10.1 because of libxml2 while upgrading to Rails 4.2.0

OSX Android studio's gradle cannot read .bash_profile environment variable [duplicate]

mysql running but cannot connect to

Os X Yosemite Qt drag and drop file name bug

Yosemite SSL: CA certificate set, but certificate verification is disabled
