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octave on OSX Yosemite, print outputs doc, but graph is solid black

I used homebrew to install octave, rebooted machine. I can run plots successfully and see the graphs render normally. When I go to print them, the document saves with the legend and axes, but the body of the graph is solid black. I have tried this with png, pdf and jpg formats - all the same. I do get a message that fig2dev binary is not available. I have searched for what I am missing but seem to have everything installed from homebrew that octave needs. Any help would be appreciated.

like image 697
Dave Powell Avatar asked Jan 25 '15 03:01

Dave Powell

1 Answers

It seems there is a problem with gnuplot 5 and Macs (see the bug report). I was able to solve this by doing as suggested in the link and downgrading to gunplot version 4.6.6

brew switch gnuplot 4.6.6

This answer has lots of good info on installing specific versions of software in homebrew.

like image 129
odrisci Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
