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Shorcut for `Run Line(s)` in Octave / Matlab



In RStudio it is Ctrl+Enter, while in PyCharm it is Ctrl+backslash, but I can't find a similar shortcut for Octave (not so interested in Matlab). There has to be a way to run a single line of code on the editor without running the entire document. I know there is a method to run chunks of code, but this doesn't seem practical, either.

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Antoni Parellada Avatar asked Jun 15 '16 14:06

Antoni Parellada

1 Answers

You need to select the code that you want to run first. The actual shortcut to then execute the selection is configurable (Edit > Preferences...) but defaults to F9.

Or you can right click on the editor which shows you the options and shortcut:

enter image description here

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carandraug Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10
