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Cannot load a file in Octave




Apologies in advance if I get something wrong. This is my first post here (I'm sure there will be many to follow).

I have a file I want to load into Octave but it doesn't work. It is a plain text file (.txt). The file is homogeneous and an excerpt of a few lines from it look like this:


where the first column depicts the name of the point while the rest represent its 3D coordinates.

Some of the options I've tried (but not limited to these) were unsuccessful.

error: scalar cannot be indexed with .
error: evaluating argument list element number 1

x=load("-text", "text.txt")
warning: load: file found in load path
error: load: empty name keyword or no data found in file 'text.txt'

warning: load: file found in load path
error: load: empty name keyword or no data found in file 'text.txt'

I have also tried simplifying the file, leaving only the coordinates and treating the file as a CSV but I keep getting similar errors.

like image 579
Ovidiu Avatar asked Nov 18 '14 13:11


People also ask

How do I load files into Octave?

You can load your data using the "-ascii" option but you'd have to reformat your file slightly before putting it into load even with the "-ascii" option enabled. Use a consistent column separator ie. just a tab or a comma, use full numbers not 3850.

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mat file you might have, or whether Octave keeps up with the latest Matlab formats. Here's a link that might be a good start. Bottom line is that you can say: load MyMatFile. mat right at the Octave prompt.

1 Answers

I think load is only for data files, not for text files. You might to use csvread, dlmread, textscan or textread. Check the documentation as to the correct syntax for invoking each of these functions.

Here are the different approaches:

  1. load does not work as you found out

    x = load('test.txt')

     error: value on right hand side of assignment is undefined
  2. csvread works but converts all non-numeric values to 0

    x = csvread('test.txt')

    x =
    23.00000   225.93500   341.77000    17.65800
    24.00000   225.93500   341.75800    17.78200
     0.00000   228.15200   353.93500    17.66500
     0.00000   288.30400   332.87800    24.07400
  3. dlmread works in the same way as csvread

    x = dlmread('test.txt')

    x =
    23.00000   225.93500   341.77000    17.65800
    24.00000   225.93500   341.75800    17.78200
     0.00000   228.15200   353.93500    17.66500
     0.00000   288.30400   332.87800    24.07400
  4. textscan works, results are stored in a cell array

    fid = fopen('test.txt');

    x = textscan(fid,'%s %f %f %f','Delimiter',',')

    x =
      [1,1] =
        [1,1] = 0023
        [2,1] = 0024
        [3,1] = LTAX17
        [4,1] = LTAX24
      [1,2] =
     [1,3] =
     [1,4] =
    >> fclose(fid);

I haven't done textread, but you get the idea.

like image 150
am304 Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09
