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remote permission to denied to user2

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Ownership on github and how to unfork a repository?

Github for mac diff options

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I lost my uncommited changes after I made a merge

Do you have to install Git separately from GitHub for Mac?

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How to do "git commit --amend" using GitHub For Mac

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Github Mac App How To Change Default Storage Directory

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How to ignore uncommited change in Github gui for MAC?

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Git: 'rebase' is not a git command. See 'git --help'

How can I access the 'GitHub for Mac' command-line utility from the terminal?

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GitHub: Create branch from an issue

github github-for-mac

GitHub asks me to "add a new helper tool" every time I open it

How to find out if a Git commit is included in a release?

Github for Mac: Pull Request Button is missing

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git permission denied but for different user

Github desktop for mac cannot login

can I use SourceTree and a GitHub app at the same time?

git: I can add a directory, but at commit time I get "nothing to commit"