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New posts in optional

Java 8 map signature: public<U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper)--why are there two Us?

java generics optional

Type Mismatch cannot convert from type Optional<User> to User

java java-8 optional

Python argparse : how to detect duplicated optional argument?

Avoid isPresent() and get() in control logic

How to use optional binding in Swift 2

Why Java's Optional doesn't call Consumer in ifPresent()?

Java8 - get by index but something similar to 'getOrDefault' for Map?

collections java-8 optional

Returning null with Optional.orElseGet() and setting response value

C# Pass an integer variable with an optional default value

c# default optional

How do I avoid two filters when condition involves an Optional

java optional option-type

Backtracking in scala parser combinators?

boost::optional<std::string> and implicit constructor from char[]

c++ string boost char optional

Scala Option type upper bound don't understand

scala optional type-systems

Scala Pattern Matching on Option

Replacing repetitive get statement with Java 8 Optional

java optional option-type

I need to use a Java 8 Optional method that either gets the wrapped value, or calls a void return Consumer lambda

java lambda java-8 optional

Is it ok to use Optional.ofNullable for checking if null and assigning default value

Looping through a multidimensional array in swift

swift optional option-type

How Does Spring 4.3 Unwrap An Optional From Cache If It Was Empty

spring caching optional

Convenience initializer with non-optional property