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New posts in optional

What is the real benefit of returning Optional<Map<String, String>> rather than just an empty Map<String, String> [duplicate]

java java-8 optional

Java 8 generic collections with optionals

Function throws AND returns optional.. possible to conditionally unwrap in one line?

swift optional throws unwrap

Return Optional as it is if the returned Optional has value, else call another function [duplicate]

dynamically determine type of Option when it has value 'None'

f# optional

Why have multiple version of Optional in Java 8

java-8 optional

Can you continue a loop if optional downcasting fails in Swift?

swift optional option-type

Is there an analogous to tryFind for the new Result type in F# 4.1?

f# optional f#-4.1

Java: Add to Guava ImmutableList if optional value is present

Why is the nil coalescing operator ?? returning nil?

swift optional

Why does the compiler tell me I need to unwrap a Bool (non-optional?)

swift optional

Java stream API. Find field of an object matching predicate in one line. Return some default value if not exists

java java-stream optional

Simplifying Option[Boolean] expression in Scala

Clojure: Pass 'expanded' optional args to function

C# String.Format optional parameters

How to use Java 8 Optional properly that can conditionally return a value or throw exception?

java java-8 optional

Why does pattern matching on &Option<T> yield something of type Some(&T)?

reference rust optional

How to write "if optional is empty, call next method returning optional, if not return this non-empty optional" several times in a functional style? [duplicate]

With std::optional, what does it mean to "remove the move constructor from overload resolution"?

What is the difference between Some and Option in Rust?

types rust optional