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Java 8 map signature: public<U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper)--why are there two Us?

public<U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper)

why are there two Us?

I understand the second U...The optional has a parameter describing the kind of Optional being returned.

But I don't get what the leading U is about. I'm struggling with call on the map method of optional with the following:

[javac]  return LocationAPIResponse.map(response -> Context.LocationContext.builder()...
[javac]                                            ^
[javac]  no instance(s) of type variable(s) U exist so that Optional<U> conforms to LocationContext
[javac]  where U,T are type-variables:
[javac]     U extends Object declared in method <U>map(Function<? super T,? extends U>)
[javac]     T extends Object declared in class Optional

I'm confused because the function I'm defining in map returns a LocationContext created by a builder. I'm confused by the two 'U's. Why is the compiler complaining

edit, fleshing out code sample to be more complete:

Optional<LocationServiceResponse> locationAPIResponse = locationServiceProxy.getLocation(locationServiceRequest);
    return locationAPIResponse.map(response -> Context.LocationContext
       .isNearby(response.getProximity().equals(ProxyEnum.NEARBY) ? 1 : 0)
like image 265
David Massey Avatar asked Nov 06 '18 04:11

David Massey

1 Answers

This simply the syntax for a method-local generic type.

By declaring it directly in the method signature, that U is bound to the context of this method.

You use that in situations where the generic parameter can or should not be known on class level (for example when you have a static method that needs generic parameters).

For the compiler error, we need more information. The only thing we can say so far: the signature of the method that uses the given return statement return locationAPIResponse.map() ... doesn't match what your mapper is returning!

like image 98
GhostCat Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
