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Setting OnCheckedChangeListener with a Lambda

I want to use a lambda rather than an anonymous class for OnCheckedChangeListener.

The original code for setting the listener works fine and reads:

mCheckBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
    public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView,boolean isChecked) {

I tried changing it to a lambda by doing:

mCheckBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(l -> mCrime.setSolved(isChecked));

but I receive an error from Android Studio saying: cannot resolve symbol is checked.

I had thought a lambda would resolve isChecked implicitly even though the onCheckChanged takes two arguments. What is wrong with my understanding?

like image 566
Neal Avatar asked Oct 17 '18 16:10


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2 Answers

Your syntax is wrong. What you have shouldn't even compile. Use this:

mCheckBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener((view, isChecked) -> mCrime.setSolved(isChecked));

The stuff before the -> doesn't represent the listener, but rather the arguments that are passed in that listener, in this case a View and a boolean.

like image 172
TheWanderer Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


isChecked is just a parameter name it is not there when you are using lambdas how ever here is the correct lambda with the parameter names for your onCheckChangeListener

mCheckBox.setOnCheckedChangeListener((CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener) (buttonView, isChecked) -> mCrime.setSolved(isChecked)); 
like image 29
SamHoque Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10
