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New posts in operator-overloading

C# Properties. Multiple SET input type

Confusing C++ code involving *this?

override/overload the + operator to operate on common lisp vectors

Overloading the equals operator in Fortran

C++ method forwarding

std::variant cout in C++

(C#) Problems when overloading the == operator [duplicate]

overloading operator== and comparison to null

c# operator-overloading

Nullable types and assignment operator

What does operator float*() do?

Is it possible to overload the “as” or “is” operators

C#: Inherit from Boolean?

Is it possible to get F#'s function application "|>" operator in R? [duplicate]

r f# operator-overloading

Porting iostream input code from C++ to C#

Can C++'s operator[] take more than one argument?

Overloaded "==" operator in C++ is not called?

c++ operator-overloading

Overloading operator []

Assign method in Scala

g++ compiler giving << type errors for expressions, but works in Visual Studio

Overloading the << operator error C2804: binary 'operator <<' has too many parameters