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New posts in operator-overloading

C# equality operators override (== and !=) [duplicate]

Why use int as an argument for post-increment operator overload?

c++ operator-overloading

Why can't I add a tuple to a list with the '+' operator in Python?

overloading << with duplicate symbol linking error

c++ operator-overloading

Boolean and String Overloads of the Assignment Operator (C++)

Implicit array casting in C#

C# Implicit operators and ToString()

Overriding the == operator in non-immutable types

Why does overloading ostream's operator<< need a reference "&"?

c++ operator-overloading

overloaded operator << on ofstream concatenation problems

why put a "const" at the end? [duplicate]

operator overloading [][] 2d array c++

Why does this call to arrow (->) operator fail?

c++ operator-overloading

Simple way to overload compound assignment operator in C#?

Overloading + to support tuples

How to define non-member operator overload for class template?

Why C# compiler doesn't call implicit cast operator?

Why doesn't my overloaded comma operator get called?

clarification on overloading the -> operator

c++ operator-overloading

How can i override a base class's == operator, so the override gets called