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New posts in operator-overloading

What's the right behavior when overloading operator delete without overloading new? gcc and clang differ

C++ Comparison Operator Overloading const vs non-const Behaviour

How to achieve "optimal" operator overload-resolution in arithmetic expressions with rvalues?

Overloaded operator not throwing exceptions

Operator[] Overloading in MultiDimensional Arrays c++

Class - User Defined Smart Array with dynamic size

C++ template operator+ overloading in inner class

std::experimental::ostream_joiner and std::pair

Implicit conversion operator doesn't kick in with operator overloading

What does the operator"" do in C++?

Returning a copy with overloaded operators

c++ operator-overloading

How to use SWIG to wrap a C++ operator[] in a template class inside a namespace?

User-Defined Literal for Two-Argument Constructor

list of Swift arithmetic and comparison operator overloads for numbers?

numpy elementwise comparison with overloaded operator

Accessing original int comparison from int-derived class with overloaded comparison operator

Is it bad practice for operator== to mutate its operands?

Infix vs prefix syntax: name lookup differences

Eclipse complains: "Invalid overload of 'endl'" - but code does compile