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Why program (global) scope variables must be __constant?

global-variables opencl

Weird OpenCL calls side effect on C++ for loop performance

c++ opencl intel

OpenCL/C pow(x,0.5) != sqrt(x)

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Can I use openCL in a application that I distribute to non developer machine?

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Work-items, Work-groups and Command Queues organization and memory limit in OpenCL


What is the point of the built-in functions isequal, isnotequal, isgreater, etc.?


What is the best way to implement a small lookup table in an OpenCL Kernel


Numerical Integration - How to parallelize it?

OpenCL: 32-bit and 64-bit popcnt instruction on GPU?

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Offloading coordinate transformations to GPU

OpenCL Mac OS compile from command line, openclc command not found

macos opencl

How does the opencl command queue work, and what can I ask of it

c++ c cuda opencl gpgpu

Can this OpenCL code be optimized?

opencl gpgpu pyopencl

OpenCL pass by reference different addres space

opencl pass-by-reference

An OpenCL code in MQL5 does not get distributed jobs to each GPU core

OpenCL distribution

Array size and copy performance

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Why OpenCL doesn't have matrix data type?

matrix types opencl

OpenCL Theano - How to forcefully disable CUDA?

Erlang bindings for CUDA or OpenCL

erlang cuda scalability opencl