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Erlang bindings for CUDA or OpenCL

I have found this post on Erlang and CUDA, it is rather old so I would like to learn if something has changed since this question was posted. I would like to know if there is any implementation of CUDA/OPENCL bindings for Erlang?

In general, I investigate if it is possible to scale ERLANG program vertically to GPU using CUDA/OPENCL to process a data stream.

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Skarab Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 15:03


People also ask

Should I use CUDA or OpenCL?

CUDA is more modern and stable than OpenCL and has very good backwards compatibility. Nvidia is more focused on General Purpose GPU Programming, AMD is more focused on gaming. Most GPU programming is done on CUDA. Usually you won't get more than one compiler for GPU programming in any 'language'.

Does Nvidia use CUDA or OpenCL?

CUDA and OpenCL offer two different interfaces for programming GPUs. OpenCL is an open standard that can be used to program CPUs, GPUs, and other devices from different vendors, while CUDA is specific to NVIDIA GPUs.

Is CUDA based on OpenCL?

OpenCL™ (Open Computing Language) is a low-level API for heterogeneous computing that runs on CUDA-powered GPUs. Using the OpenCL API, developers can launch compute kernels written using a limited subset of the C programming language on a GPU.

Why is CUDA more popular than OpenCL?

CUDA being a proprietary NVIDIA framework is not supported in as many applications as OpenCL, but where it is supported, the support makes for unparalleled performance. While the OpenCL which is supported in more applications does not give the same performance boosts where supported as CUDA does.

3 Answers

OpenCL is here: https://github.com/tonyrog/cl (You should use the nif branch if that isn't merged to master yet)

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dgud Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10


I'd wait for this talk http://erlang-factory.com/conference/SFBay2011/speakers/KevinSmith (they will upload video & slides after the conference)

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Yurii Rashkovskii Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Yurii Rashkovskii

I gave the talk Yurii mentioned and I'm not sure when the videos will be available. The code I demoed is available here: http://github.com/kevsmith/pteracuda. It's minimal but should illustrate what's possible with CUDA and NIFs. I'm hoping to improve it further once my machine arrives back home from SF.

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Kevin Smith Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10

Kevin Smith