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New posts in number-theory

Efficient algorithm for finding a common divisor closest to some value?

Factorization of an integer

How to compute a^^b mod m?

Create faster Fibonacci function for n > 100 in MATLAB / octave

Binary GCD Algorithm vs. Euclid's Algorithm on modern computers

Find pairs in an array such that a%b = k , where k is a given integer

How to enumerate x^2 + y^2 = z^2 - 1 (with additional constraints)

Bitshifts to obtain remainder

Represent natural number as sum of distinct squares

algorithm number-theory

Parallel Algorithms for Generating Prime Numbers (possibly using Hadoop's map reduce)

Algorithm for finding smallest number with given number of factors

Picking A, C and M for Linear congruential generator

Calculating sum of geometric series (mod m)


Calculating 1^X + 2^X + ... + N^X mod 1000000007

What's a nice method to factor gaussian integers?

finding a^b^c^... mod m

Given a string of a million numbers, return all repeating 3 digit numbers