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New posts in nsmanagedobject

Swift + CoreData: Cannot Automatically Set Optional Attribute On Generated NSManagedObject Subclass

Core Data primary key ID for a row in the database

Generating Swift models from Core Data entities

'filenames are used to distinguish private declarations of the same name' error

invalid redeclaration in auto code generate NSManagedObject Subclass Swift 3

How do I copy or move an NSManagedObject from one context to another?

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?

How can I track/observe all changes within a subgraph?

How can I duplicate, or copy a Core Data Managed Object?

Multiple NSEntityDescriptions Claim NSManagedObject Subclass

Xcode 8 generates broken NSManagedObject subclasses for iOS 10

How can I tell whether an `NSManagedObject` has been deleted?

@property definitions with ARC: strong or retain?

CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named

Unable to find specific subclass of NSManagedObject

Delete/Reset all entries in Core Data?