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How can I tell whether an `NSManagedObject` has been deleted?

I have an NSManagedObject that has been deleted, and the context containing that managed object has been saved. I understand that isDeleted returns YES if Core Data will ask the persistent store to delete the object during the next save operation. However, since the save has already happened, isDeleted returns NO.

What is a good way to tell whether an NSManagedObject has been deleted after its containing context has been saved?

(In case you're wondering why the object referring to the deleted managed object isn't already aware of the deletion, it's because the deletion and context save was initiated by a background thread which performed the deletion and save using performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:.)

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James Huddleston Avatar asked Dec 02 '10 22:12

James Huddleston

People also ask

How delete all Coredata?

One approach to delete everything and reset Core Data is to destroy the persistent store. Deleting and re-creating the persistent store will delete all objects in Core Data.

What is the purpose of NSManagedObjectContext?

A managed object context is an instance of NSManagedObjectContext . Its primary responsibility is to manage a collection of managed objects. These managed objects represent an internally consistent view of one or more persistent stores.

2 Answers

Checking the context of the managed object seems to work:

if (managedObject.managedObjectContext == nil) {     // Assume that the managed object has been deleted. } 

From Apple's documentation on managedObjectContext ...

This method may return nil if the receiver has been deleted from its context.

If the receiver is a fault, calling this method does not cause it to fire.

Both of those seem to be good things.

UPDATE: If you're trying to test whether a managed object retrieved specifically using objectWithID: has been deleted, check out Dave Gallagher's answer. He points out that if you call objectWithID: using the ID of a deleted object, the object returned will be a fault that does not have its managedObjectContext set to nil. Consequently, you can't simply check its managedObjectContext to test whether it has been deleted. Use existingObjectWithID:error: if you can. If not, e.g., you're targeting Mac OS 10.5 or iOS 2.0, you'll need to do something else to test for deletion. See his answer for details.

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James Huddleston Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10

James Huddleston

UPDATE: An improved answer, based on James Huddleston's ideas in the discussion below.

- (BOOL)hasManagedObjectBeenDeleted:(NSManagedObject *)managedObject {     /*      Returns YES if |managedObject| has been deleted from the Persistent Store,       or NO if it has not.       NO will be returned for NSManagedObject's who have been marked for deletion      (e.g. their -isDeleted method returns YES), but have not yet been commited       to the Persistent Store. YES will be returned only after a deleted       NSManagedObject has been committed to the Persistent Store.       Rarely, an exception will be thrown if Mac OS X 10.5 is used AND       |managedObject| has zero properties defined. If all your NSManagedObject's       in the data model have at least one property, this will not be an issue.       Property == Attributes and Relationships       Mac OS X 10.4 and earlier are not supported, and will throw an exception.      */      NSParameterAssert(managedObject);     NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [self managedObjectContext];      // Check for Mac OS X 10.6+     if ([moc respondsToSelector:@selector(existingObjectWithID:error:)])     {         NSManagedObjectID   *objectID           = [managedObject objectID];         NSManagedObject     *managedObjectClone = [moc existingObjectWithID:objectID error:NULL];          if (!managedObjectClone)             return YES;                 // Deleted.         else             return NO;                  // Not deleted.     }      // Check for Mac OS X 10.5     else if ([moc respondsToSelector:@selector(countForFetchRequest:error:)])     {         // 1) Per Apple, "may" be nil if |managedObject| deleted but not always.         if (![managedObject managedObjectContext])             return YES;                 // Deleted.           // 2) Clone |managedObject|. All Properties will be un-faulted if          //    deleted. -objectWithID: always returns an object. Assumed to exist         //    in the Persistent Store. If it does not exist in the Persistent          //    Store, firing a fault on any of its Properties will throw an          //    exception (#3).         NSManagedObjectID *objectID             = [managedObject objectID];         NSManagedObject   *managedObjectClone   = [moc objectWithID:objectID];           // 3) Fire fault for a single Property.         NSEntityDescription *entityDescription  = [managedObjectClone entity];         NSDictionary        *propertiesByName   = [entityDescription propertiesByName];         NSArray             *propertyNames      = [propertiesByName allKeys];          NSAssert1([propertyNames count] != 0, @"Method cannot detect if |managedObject| has been deleted because it has zero Properties defined: %@", managedObject);          @try         {             // If the property throws an exception, |managedObject| was deleted.             (void)[managedObjectClone valueForKey:[propertyNames objectAtIndex:0]];             return NO;                  // Not deleted.         }         @catch (NSException *exception)         {             if ([[exception name] isEqualToString:NSObjectInaccessibleException])                 return YES;             // Deleted.             else                 [exception raise];      // Unknown exception thrown.         }     }      // Mac OS X 10.4 or earlier is not supported.     else     {         NSAssert(0, @"Unsupported version of Mac OS X detected.");     } } 


I wrote a slightly better method. self is your Core Data class/controller.

- (BOOL)hasManagedObjectBeenDeleted:(NSManagedObject *)managedObject {     // 1) Per Apple, "may" be nil if |managedObject| was deleted but not always.     if (![managedObject managedObjectContext])         return YES;                 // Deleted.      // 2) Clone |managedObject|. All Properties will be un-faulted if deleted.     NSManagedObjectID *objectID             = [managedObject objectID];     NSManagedObject   *managedObjectClone   = [[self managedObjectContext] objectWithID:objectID];      // Always returns an object. Assumed to exist in the Persistent Store. If it does not exist in the Persistent Store, firing a fault on any of its Properties will throw an exception.      // 3) Fire faults for Properties. If any throw an exception, it was deleted.     NSEntityDescription *entityDescription  = [managedObjectClone entity];     NSDictionary        *propertiesByName   = [entityDescription propertiesByName];     NSArray             *propertyNames      = [propertiesByName allKeys];      @try     {         for (id propertyName in propertyNames)             (void)[managedObjectClone valueForKey:propertyName];         return NO;                  // Not deleted.     }     @catch (NSException *exception)     {         if ([[exception name] isEqualToString:NSObjectInaccessibleException])             return YES;             // Deleted.         else             [exception raise];      // Unknown exception thrown. Handle elsewhere.     } } 

As James Huddleston mentioned in his answer, checking to see if NSManagedObject's -managedObjectContext returns nil is a "pretty good" way of seeing if a cached/stale NSManagedObject has been deleted from the Persistent Store, but it's not always accurate as Apple states in their docs:

This method may return nil if the receiver has been deleted from its context.

When won't it return nil? If you acquire a different NSManagedObject using the deleted NSManagedObject's -objectID like so:

// 1) Create a new NSManagedObject, save it to the Persistant Store. CoreData        *coreData = ...; NSManagedObject *apple    = [coreData addManagedObject:@"Apple"];  [apple setValue:@"Mcintosh" forKey:@"name"]; [coreData saveMOCToPersistentStore];   // 2) The `apple` will not be deleted. NSManagedObjectContext *moc = [apple managedObjectContext];  if (!moc)     NSLog(@"2 - Deleted."); else     NSLog(@"2 - Not deleted.");   // This prints. The `apple` has just been created.    // 3) Mark the `apple` for deletion in the MOC. [[coreData managedObjectContext] deleteObject:apple];  moc = [apple managedObjectContext];  if (!moc)     NSLog(@"3 - Deleted."); else     NSLog(@"3 - Not deleted.");   // This prints. The `apple` has not been saved to the Persistent Store yet, so it will still have a -managedObjectContext.   // 4) Now tell the MOC to delete the `apple` from the Persistent Store. [coreData saveMOCToPersistentStore];  moc = [apple managedObjectContext];  if (!moc)     NSLog(@"4 - Deleted.");       // This prints. -managedObjectContext returns nil. else     NSLog(@"4 - Not deleted.");   // 5) What if we do this? Will the new apple have a nil managedObjectContext or not? NSManagedObjectID *deletedAppleObjectID = [apple objectID]; NSManagedObject   *appleClone           = [[coreData managedObjectContext] objectWithID:deletedAppleObjectID];  moc = [appleClone managedObjectContext];  if (!moc)     NSLog(@"5 - Deleted."); else     NSLog(@"5 - Not deleted.");   // This prints. -managedObjectContext does not return nil!   // 6) Finally, let's use the method I wrote, -hasManagedObjectBeenDeleted: BOOL deleted = [coreData hasManagedObjectBeenDeleted:appleClone];  if (deleted)     NSLog(@"6 - Deleted.");       // This prints. else     NSLog(@"6 - Not deleted."); 

Here's the printout:

2 - Not deleted. 3 - Not deleted. 4 - Deleted. 5 - Not deleted. 6 - Deleted. 

As you can see, -managedObjectContext won't always return nil if an NSManagedObject has been deleted from the Persistent Store.

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Dave Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10
