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New posts in nslocalizedstring

iOS : mismatched translation

Adding new language to existing localized app

Swift: dynamic strings with local variable injections

swift nslocalizedstring

Placeholder and NSLocalizedString

Swift use unicode character in localization.strings

Localize a float and specify number of decimal places in iOS

Run unittests with a specific locale (en_US or none)

NSLocalizedString loads the string sometimes, not always

Enabling Double Length Pseudolanguage doesn't work in Xcode 7.3

Advanced Localization with Omission of Arguments in Xcode

NSLocalizedString - Use of undeclared identifier issue

Alternative strings for different targets of same App - use NSLocalizedString?

Testing localizations in an iOS playground

Force genstrings to build the Localizable.strings file in order of appearance rather than alphabetically

iOS: How to localize strings with multiple interpolated parameters?

Unicode not converted when displayed

using nsattributedstring and nslocalizedstring

Xcode 8 Ambiguous expansion of macro NSLocalizedString

Multiple Localized .strings Files in iOS App Bundle

iOS Localization: Best Practices