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NSIS - Silent Autoupdate Application

nsis auto-update silent

Is there a way to pretty format or beautify NSIS script source code? [closed]

Is there any NSIS Best Practices or Coding Standards around?

NSIS visual studio color/font/intellisense

visual-studio nsis

Installing a driver via pnputil

windows driver nsis inf

Why does VIProductVersion argument override value of ProductVersion key?


Sign NSIS installer on Linux box

linux nsis

How to install application as windows service using NSIS script

windows-services nsis

Can output file directory be specified via command-line?

NSIS - Merge Modules

Having InstallDir within IF ELSE block


How can I copy files from the installer to the hard drive in NSIS but only if they do not already exist or are newer then the existing ones?

file-io nsis

How do I check if a component is selected in NSIS?


LANG_ENGLISH undefined for MUI when compiling with NSIS 3.0

windows nsis nsis-mui

How do I detect silent install?

How to show details by default with NSIS installer


NSIS check state of Windows Service

service nsis

NSIS Plugin "nsScreenshot" not working in Windows NT 6.x

NSIS Installer - Displaying different licences
