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New posts in new-operator

Thread safety for overloaded operator new

jQuery.Deferred() - "new" operator is optional?

Does GWT.create() always create a new object in browser memory?

java gwt new-operator

Why do functions respond to .prototype but regular objects do not?

Haskell - variable not in scope error - beginner

haskell new-operator

new/delete "override" vs. "overload"

Operator delete causing heap corruption while operator new working fine

c++ new-operator

Deleting array of class objects?

Deleting an array of pointers to functions?

c++ new-operator

Behavior of this.new and bare this in inner classes

What's the difference between these functions created by `Function`?

Creating New Operator

Spring - is using new a bad practice?

Does the `new` operator always call the constructor?

So what really happens when we use 'new' in PHP

php new-operator

jquery enclose current element in a new parent container

jquery new-operator parent

Would combining raw operator new, placement new and standard delete be legal?

new then throw in C++ constructor?

Should functions be attached to object or its prototype?

C++ delete an object