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New posts in new-operator

Using new with Scala final case class

new and delete operator overloading for dll

c++ window new-operator

C++11 smart pointers always instead of new/delete?

Does C++14 require that the delete expression must call `void operator ::delete(void*, std::size_t)` instead of `void ::operator delete(void*)`?

How do I delete or reinitialize a 'new' variable?

C++: Difference between setting a pointer to nullptr and initializing it as a new variable type

Unusual use of new in historical code. What does it mean?

How to detect double deletes or deletes on unallocated memory in C++?

delete[] Array of characters [duplicate]

Does new() allocate memory for the functions of a class also?

Where exactly in memory is count of allocated memory thats being used by delete?

Is it possible to create a function pointer to the a function's `new` operator/constructor?

new MyFunction() vs. new(MyFunction)

The C++ 'new' keyword and C [duplicate]

Simulating new[] with argument constructor

Browser for CSS shaders? [closed]

Bulk-allocating objects with calling new operator once?

Which of these new expressions with char arrays are well-formed?

Segmentation fault when calling "new" in c++?

What is new without type in C#?