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Why do functions respond to .prototype but regular objects do not?


function Foo() {}
var x = new Foo();

now x and Foo have the same prototype, but only Foo responds to .prototype:

Object.getPrototype(x) === Foo.prototype // true
x.prototype === Foo.prototype // false

Foo.prototype // Foo {} (depending on which browser)
x.prototype // undefined

Why doesn't x.prototype work, but Foo.prototype does work?

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user2316560 Avatar asked Jan 10 '16 19:01


2 Answers

prototype is a property of constructors that determines what the prototype of new objects created by that constructor will be. It's only useful to have such a property on a constructor.

As long as the prototype on the constructor hasn't been changed:

Object.getPrototypeOf( x ) === Foo.prototype

and that is the same as:

Object.getPrototypeOf( x ) === x.constructor.prototype

Note that generally:

Object.getPrototypeOf( Foo ) != Foo.prototype
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Paul Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10


Long story short: functions meant for new have prototype, object instances don't.

I'll probably fail in my precision in saying this, but the prototype is something that only applies to what you might call constructor functions, which are functions meant to be called with new to create instances. The prototype can be thought of as the template for the resulting instance.

For the resulting object, prototype is not a property. Rather, the properties in the constructor's prototype are available as properties on the instance that was created. Meaning that when you look up a property on the instance, if it's not defined on the instance, Javascript will begin checking the prototype chain to see if it's defined there.

If you want to access the prototype of an instance, use Object.getPrototypeOf.

The semantics of Javascript can be confusing. I highly recommend working through the free-to-read Javascript Allongé as a way to thoroughly understand some of Javascript's finer points. Chapter 8 focuses on exactly this topic.

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acjay Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10
