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New posts in nasm

How to get this simple assembly to run?

How to set ss and sp registers correctly in i386

How to set the alignment for the .data section?

Polygot include file for nasm/yasm and C

intel c assembly x86 nasm yasm

Placing an instruction in the address pointed by the reset vector using times and align NASM directives

intel assembly x86 nasm osdev

why using external c function in nasm breaks this code?

c assembly external nasm

Using memory returned by call to malloc in NASM

assembly malloc nasm

Intel x86 32-bit register confusion

How to display a number on the screen and and sleep for one second with DOS x86 assembly?

assembly x86 dos nasm bios

Loading second stage of a bootloader

How to execute a call instruction with a 64-bit absolute address?

UEFI boot services CreateEvent() returning status EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER

assembly x86 x86-64 nasm uefi

How to translate NASM "push byte" to GAS syntax?

Tail recursion in assembly

assembly x86 nasm

how to dynamically allocate memory for an array in assembly 8086 using nasm

addressing array elements in nasm

assembly nasm

Compiling NASM on Mac OSX

How to use relative jumps?

assembly nasm x86

Using RIP-relative addressing in OSX x64 assembly

Why is this machine code generated for "inc qword [rsp]"?