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New posts in namespaces

Adding new Namespace in C# Project

c# namespaces project add

Using "::" instead of "module ..." for Ruby namespacing

ruby namespaces

XPath on an XML document with namespace

xml xpath namespaces

C#: How to remove namespace information from XML elements

c# .net xml namespaces

Cannot find DataContractJsonSerializer from an Asp.Net Mvc application

Is 'using namespace' inside another namespace equivalent to an alias?

c++ namespaces

Variable scope outside of classes

Python - type(name,bases,dict)

What's wrong with my XPath/XML?

xml xpath namespaces

lupdate error: Qualifying with unknown namespace/class

rails how to properly move models to a namespace

How to resolve a name collision between a C++ namespace and a global function?

C++ name space confusion - std:: vs :: vs no prefix on a call to tolower?

clojure - eval code in different namespace

namespaces clojure eval

Sharing static variables across files: namespace vs class

c++ class static namespaces

PHP namespacing and spl_autoload_register

Error: The type or namespace name 'ApplicationUser' could not be found in Visual Studio 2013

Are namespace collisions really an issue in Objective-C?

objective-c namespaces

What is the :: sign/operator before the class name in ruby?

ruby class namespaces module

Short namespace acronym in ruby

ruby namespaces ironruby