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PHP namespacing and spl_autoload_register

I had spl_autoload_register working fine but then I decided to add some namespacing to bring in PSR2 compliance and can't seem to get it working.

Directory strcuture:


Each class starts with:

namespace Foo;

Class ClassX {



spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
    include 'classes/' . $class . '.class.php';

$myObj = new Class1();

echo $myObj->doSomething();

This products an error Fatal error: Class 'Class1' not found in /var/www/myApp/index.php on line X

My first thought was that I need to use a namespace with my instantiation, so I changed index.php to:

$myObj = new Foo\Class1();

However, then I get Warning: include(classes/Foo\Class1.class.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/myApp/index.php on line 6

If I do manual includes everything works fine,include 'classes/Class1.class.php'; and so on.

like image 224
diplosaurus Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 02:03


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What is Spl_autoload_register?

If there must be multiple autoload functions, spl_autoload_register() allows for this. It effectively creates a queue of autoload functions, and runs through each of them in the order they are defined. By contrast, __autoload() may only be defined once.

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Namespaces are qualifiers that solve two different problems: They allow for better organization by grouping classes that work together to perform a task. They allow the same name to be used for more than one class.

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1 Answers

So the problem was that the $class being returned to spl_autoload_register was the namespace\class name, with the backslash intact. So when I instantiated a new object:

$myObj = new Foo\Class1();

The include path became /var/www/myApp/classes/Foo\Class1.php, the backslash breaking the path.

I implemented this to fix the backslash, and it now works, although I do not know why this is necessary.

spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
    include 'classes/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '.class.php';
like image 90
diplosaurus Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
