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New posts in namespaces

VBScript, MSXML and Namespaces

C++: namespace conflict between extern "C" and class member

c++ c namespaces conflict extern


php coding-style namespaces

C++ using Namespace In Source Files

c++ namespaces

RDFLib: Namespace prefixes in XML serialization

python namespaces rdflib

"more than one instance of overloaded function "std::pow" matches the argument list"

Package vs project separation in java

Namespaces and subnamespaces in C#

c# namespaces

PDO claims uncaught exception, even though it's inside of try/catch block?

php sql pdo namespaces

Multiple namespaces under same module in ZF2

can a python function call a global function with the same name?

Modify namespace of importing script in Python

Name spacing not working in vuex maps throwing module namespace not found

Why does "using namespace xxx" not take effect on template functions?

c++ namespaces

How to properly use namespaces to avoid name collision?

c++ namespaces

PHP namespacing benefits

php namespaces

Why does C++11 not support name lookup like this? [closed]

Namespace vs Class Declaration

c# class namespaces

Which is better for a rails site? /{login} or /user/{login} [closed]

Why does C++ parameter scope affect function lookup within a namespace?