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RDFLib: Namespace prefixes in XML serialization

In a Python script using RDFLib 3.0, I get the following XML-Output when serializing my triples:


How can I define specific namespace prefixes for those anonymous _x-prefixes automatically assigned by RDFLib (or it's XML-Serializer respectively)?


Many thanks in advance for your responses!

like image 498
sam Avatar asked Dec 13 '10 09:12


1 Answers

I eventually found a solution to this by looking at some (quite messily distributed) rdflib doc files. For the (Conjunctive)Graph storing the triples, call

mygraph.bind(prefix, URIRef(url))


mygraph.bind('ex', URIRef('http://www.my-example.intra/ontologies/ci.owl#'))

Passing 'False' as 3rd argument overrides existing namespace prefix bindings.

like image 101
sam Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
