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New posts in namedtuple

Dynamically add a class __dict__ property in Python

python namedtuple

What datatypes can a namedtuple contain in its fields?

python list namedtuple

Namedtuple formatted/pretty print in Python

Python list of named tuples, replacing attributes

python list namedtuple

cannot init an instance of a subclassed namedtuple

python namedtuple

Namedtuple vs Dictionary

Lightweight classes with specified fields in Python

python class namedtuple

Where should I define namedtuple classes in Python - which namespace?

python pickle namedtuple

Adding extra fields to an existing namedtuple object and unpickling

namedtuple — applications of different type names in the same definition

python namedtuple

Inherit namedtuple from a base class in python

create custom namedtuple type with extra features

Is there a use for _tuple in Python?

Difference between namedtuple and a frozen dict

Printing named tuples

python namedtuple

NamedTuple to Dataframe

Convert a pandas dataframe into a list of named tuple [duplicate]

Modify arguments to typing.NamedTuple prior to instance creation

how to fetch a field in ConsumerRecord

Understanding subclassing of JSONEncoder