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New posts in multiple-inheritance

boost shared_from_this and multiple inheritance

c++ Multiple parents with same variable name

What are real-world examples of C++ multiple inheritance? [closed]

Diamond of death and Scope resolution operator (c++)

Why does C# allow multiple inheritance though interface extension methods but not classes? [closed]

How can the Object class be a super class of subclasses?

What is multiple re-inheritance?

Python ABC Multiple Inheritance

Discussion of multiple inheritance vs Composition for a project (+other things)

Virtual inheritance in C++

Diamond-inheritance scenario compiles fine in G++, but produces warnings/errors in VC++/Eclipse

Virtual tables and memory layout in multiple virtual inheritance

Python Call Parent Method Multiple Inheritance

Why exactly do I need an explicit upcast when implementing QueryInterface() in an object with multiple interfaces()

Where is the "virtual" keyword necessary in a complex multiple inheritance hierarchy?

vb.net: multiple inheritance in an interface

C# Multiple Inheritance

Why does uniform initialization in C++11 behave weirdly with virtual base classes?

Do Derived1::Base and Derived2::Base refer to the same type?

Understanding virtual base classes and constructor calls