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Where is the "virtual" keyword necessary in a complex multiple inheritance hierarchy?

I understand the basics of C++ virtual inheritance. However, I'm confused about where exactly I need to use the virtual keyword with a complex class hierarchy. For example, suppose I have the following classes:

           / \
          B   C
         / \ / \
        D   E   F
         \ / \ /
          G   H
           \ /

If I want to ensure that none of the classes appear more than once in any of the subclasses, which base classes need to be marked virtual? All of them? Or is it sufficient to use it only on those classes that derive directly from a class that may otherwise have multiple instances (i.e. B, C, D, E and F; and G and H (but only with the base class E, not with the base classes D and F))?

like image 992
jchl Avatar asked Aug 05 '10 12:08


People also ask

Why virtual classes are important in the case of multiple inheritance?

Virtual base classes offer a way to save space and avoid ambiguities in class hierarchies that use multiple inheritances. When a base class is specified as a virtual base, it can act as an indirect base more than once without duplication of its data members.

What is the use of virtual keyword in inheritance?

Virtual keyword is used to avoid ambiguity in inheritance. That is to resolve the ambiguity when there is/are member function with same prototype in multiple base classes.

Why is there a need for virtual base class in hybrid inheritance?

Virtual base class in C++ Virtual classes are primarily used during multiple inheritance. To avoid, multiple instances of the same class being taken to the same class which later causes ambiguity, virtual classes are used.

What happens if we don't use virtual function in inheritance?

If you don't use virtual functions, you don't understand OOP yet. Because the virtual function is intimately bound with the concept of type, and type is at the core of object-oriented programming, there is no analog to the virtual function in a traditional procedural language.

1 Answers

I toyed a program together which could help you to study the intricacies of virtual bases. It prints the class hierarchy under I as a digraph suitable for graphiviz ( http://www.graphviz.org/ ). There's a counter for each instance which helps you to understand the construction order as well. Here's the programm:

#include <stdio.h>
int counter=0; 

#define CONN2(N,X,Y)\
    int id; N() { id=counter++; }\
    void conn() \
        printf("%s_%d->%s_%d\n",#N,this->id,#X,((X*)this)->id); \
        printf("%s_%d->%s_%d\n",#N,this->id,#Y,((Y*)this)->id); \
        X::conn(); \
#define CONN1(N,X)\
    int id; N() { id=counter++; }\
    void conn() \
        printf("%s_%d->%s_%d\n",#N,this->id,#X,((X*)this)->id); \
        X::conn(); \

struct A { int id; A() { id=counter++; } void conn() {} };
struct B : A { CONN1(B,A) };
struct C : A { CONN1(C,A)  };
struct D : B { CONN1(D,B) };
struct E : B,C { CONN2(E,B,C) };
struct F : C { CONN1(F,C) };
struct G : D,E { CONN2(G,D,E) };
struct H : E,F { CONN2(H,E,F) };
struct I : G,H { CONN2(I,G,H) };
int main()
    printf("digraph inh {\n");
    I i; 

If I run this (g++ base.cc ; ./a.out >h.dot ; dot -Tpng -o o.png h.dot ; display o.png), I get the typical non-virtual base tree: alt text

Adding enough virtualness...

struct B : virtual A { CONN1(B,A) };
struct C : virtual A { CONN1(C,A)  };
struct D : virtual B { CONN1(D,B) };
struct E : virtual B, virtual C { CONN2(E,B,C) };
struct F : virtual C { CONN1(F,C) };
struct G : D, virtual E { CONN2(G,D,E) };
struct H : virtual E,F { CONN2(H,E,F) };
struct I : G,H { CONN2(I,G,H) };

..results in the diamond shape (look at the numbers to learn the construction order!!)

alt text

But if you make all bases virtual:

struct A { int id; A() { id=counter++; } void conn() {} };
struct B : virtual A { CONN1(B,A) };
struct C : virtual A { CONN1(C,A)  };
struct D : virtual B { CONN1(D,B) };
struct E : virtual B, virtual C { CONN2(E,B,C) };
struct F : virtual C { CONN1(F,C) };
struct G : virtual D, virtual E { CONN2(G,D,E) };
struct H : virtual E, virtual F { CONN2(H,E,F) };
struct I : virtual G,virtual H { CONN2(I,G,H) };

You get a diamond with a different initialization order:

alt text

Have fun!

like image 137
Nordic Mainframe Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Nordic Mainframe