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New posts in msvcrt

Unresolved symbol `__imp__iob`, not `__imp___iob`

visual-c++ msvcrt

Reverse-engineering SEH: Why doesn't my IDENTICAL assembler code work like the original?

FreeConsole behaviour on Windows 8

Why does the MSVC _count_of implementation add 0 to the result of sizeof? [duplicate]

c++ visual-c++ msvcrt

Assertion error in CRT calling _osfile() in VS 2008?

What Visual C++ Runtimes are users likely to have installed?

How can I resolve this link error in Visual Studio (LNK2005)?

vs2012 toolset compatibility

Dependency Walker Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for "ABC.DLL" contains errors

Using msvcrt.getch() in Eclipse / PyDev

eclipse pydev msvcrt

MSVCP100.dll not found error even when it is installed

mixing code compiled with /MT and /MD

visual-c++ build msvcrt

MS Visual C++ runtime library - what for?

c++ msvcrt

Mixing versions of the MSVCRT

c++ visual-c++ msvcrt

Does msvcrt uses a different heap for allocations since (vs2012/2010/2013)

c++ msvcrt

Is there a fundamental difference between malloc and HeapAlloc (aside from the portability)? [duplicate]

How to have password echoed as asterisks

LoadLibrary() fails to load DLL with manifest and private assembly

Different versions of msvcrt in ctypes

python ctypes msvcrt

Python input single character without enter

python curses msvcrt getch