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New posts in msgpack

MessagePack and datetime

msgpack: haskell & python

python haskell msgpack

Deserializing a heterogeneous map with MessagePack in C++

c++ msgpack

Using MSGPACK_DEFINE without changing class declarations

c++ msgpack messagepack

Since upgrading to Angular 9 Signalr doesn't work

C++ MsgPack: linker errors

c++ linker msgpack

Encoding MessagePack objects containing Node.js Buffers

javascript node.js msgpack

How to store 32-bit floats using ruby-msgpack gem?

ruby msgpack

Storing a MessagePacked hash in Redis

ruby redis msgpack messagepack

Serializing object with interface as property type in MessagePack

c# serialization msgpack

There is an example of Spyne client?

python zeromq msgpack spyne

Android using MSGPack Core and Jackson Mapper - decode class variable of unknown type

python 3 will not find key in dict from msgpack

python-3.x msgpack

msgpack unserialising dict key strings to bytes

python msgpack

MessagePack slower than native node.js JSON

node.js msgpack messagepack

What is a MsgPack 'zone'

c msgpack

High performance object serialization library supporting sum types

Which is the best way to compress json to store in a memory based store like redis or memcache?

python json redis msgpack